Wednesday 27 June 2007

Thoughts on Revival

Consider this:

We should call a dog a dog and a cat a cat. Numbers do not make revival and neither does the appearance of some dynamic cell group be called the mark of revival. No Sir, even in 2000, we were in the revival ministry but we never claimed revival was happening. We were never satisfied enough and there was always more to be gleaned. Revival is marked by one distinguishing characteristic- the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Its not preaching, not good music, neither great numbers nor charismatic leadership... No, none of them. Revival preachers in our time have never seen revival, we preach as if we know it but truth be told, when it comes, all of us will be silenced.

In revival, there is a stench of death. Sinners put to death the old man and are born again. In revival, as in the mighty book of Acts, God, pours Himself out without courtesy and sets ablaze the desperate beggars at the altar who thirst for His glory. In revival God makes sons out of sinners and our music stops, our impoverished preaching ceases. Only God can be heard, only Jesus can be the focus of our hearts. This is the revival i read about in Acts, intense, pure, saturated with glory and fiercely precious. In revival, the weak, lonely, destitute, outcast are wrapped in genuine love. In revival, nations are changed, not by arms, but by prayer, courage and love. Up till now, all our ideas of revival are second hand, where is the dissatisfied man who dares to ask to see the Father's glory, who will wage nothing less than his whole being until power and true love blazes across the dying land? The banner of the cross has been laid low, who will reach forth to lift it high?

ACS is not about a building, not even about its people, its about its God. Its about the God who created the institution and sent His created beings into the school, so that they will glorify Him by adorning themselves in purity and love. Yet they are walking through its gates, they are not hearing, the christians are not speaking and the blind wander off into the wider world assured they have understood christianity. Rubbish! if they had but a tenth of the christianity in Acts, but a trickle of its potency and Spirit filled love, the people would be radicaly transformed.

The truth will set men free. We need people who will enter the prayer room and emerge with treasures from the court room of God Himself. People who will pay the price and pray till His kingdom comes. As in really come. I feel wretched as i write, i know i am not up to writing this with a solid conscience yet. Lord give us the nations.... You are a generous God. Give us the nations so that You will be glorified.

I haven't written like this for some time, haven't felt this way about the world for some time. I guess christianity at its core is uncompromising in its demands that mankind repents and confront their poverty with the Love and Glory of God. I am not radical, infact, i find myself mild. I am just christian. Just a simple member of the church, who wants the book of Acts to be real in this lifetime. This is what He has desired of my heart to feel while thinking alone.

Saturday 23 June 2007

Sowing The Seed

Church sermon today was rather captivating for me, just thought I'd share some of it. Didn't originally intend for this to appear on this blog so it might appear disjointed at parts, but hopefully it can provide the encouragement we all need at this crucial juncture.

If we expect a crop, surely we need to first sow the seed? We can't just expect miracles to happen or "just have faith", but we need to work on those acts of faith that yield results, hence the saying "God helps those who help themselves." In 2 Kings 4:1-7 there's the interesting story of Elisha and a widow:

1 The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your
servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his
creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."
2 Elisha replied to her, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?"
"Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a little oil."
3 Elisha said, "Go around and ask all
your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and
shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each
is filled, put it to one side."
5 She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They
brought the jars to her and she kept pouring.
6 When all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one."
But he replied, "There is not a jar left." Then the oil stopped flowing.
7 She went and told the man of God, and he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left."

The widow is in an incredible situation here. Her husband has passed away, she's destitute, and her sons are about to be sold into slavery. But she chooses to seek God in this situation, and she runs to Elisha. Remember that God never places us in situations to be overwhelmed. He gives us these trials to bring us to a new, higher level of faith in the Lord. He's a good God, and He'll show Himself strong to those who are stedfast in Him.

Elisha however refused to let the widow be passive. He asks, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?". He doesn't do a quick-fix and solve all her problems with prayer and all that, though I'm not saying praying is wrong. But he doesn't do it for her, he lets her come through with an act of faith. The seed is sown, and once that's done we can expect the crop to come.

We never have nothing so long as we're children of God. Even that little bit of oil, God used to show His glory. Even when Paul and Silas were in jail, God used their hymns and prayers and turned it into a mighty earthquake, shattering the foundations of the prison. There's nothing too small and insignificant for God to use and make big. Think of that stone in David's sling. Think of that mustard seed. But for God to intervene, we first need to let go. So difficult for us to understand... to just let go and let God.

This tiny seed has tremendous potential, which would result in an incredible increase in the Lord's hands. But are we willing to give it up, to commit it all to Him? His plans for us are that of liberty and abundance. Sadly we always wait for signs and feelings, which shouldn't be the case. God's power is there, all we need to do is sow that seed. He moves in power when we act in faith.

Because if we seek Him with all our heart, we WILL find Him. Sow those seeds, and be prepared to reap that great harvest of souls originally we set out to do. The more we sow, the more results we'll see. And God too, is the epitome of faithfulness; He will reward accordingly.

Oh and, FLAME ON!

In His Love,

Friday 22 June 2007

Not of This World

the computer's been down for quite some time, the RAM has frazzled out; finally it works proper today, and amidst the exam stress, this time is for encouragement, online encouragement. and a fitting reminder. yes rather than post on my rather sad orange-clad blog, i chose today to divert the (much-needed) attention to this FireAC powerhouse, this blog of testimony and of encouragement (:

we are aliens in this world. somewhere in the bible, in the first sentence of Peter's letters, he writes that this place isn't our home. and yet so often, how often, we get attached to it, and we start to rely on it for joy and for strength and for sustenance. we get carried away with life, with the pursuits of life, with (horrors of horrors) work; why?

how often, do we take tomorrow for granted? plenty (have a look):

"let's meet up tomorrow to study at ______!"

"not free? it's ok, we'll adjourn the meeting to this saturday..."

"see you tomorrow! (:"

"biology (or whatever worries you), aiya, can be left for next week. no matter"

and what if tomorrow never came? wonder, what would God find us doing when He returns?

indeed. always set our minds on things above. as Term 3 comes around, let's remember our mission here on earth - to be envoys, tarrying with this message of blessing - this MESSAGE OF LIFE! there's so much to do before with leave, with so many more who may believe. and get this, our final mission will never fail, because Jesus has already overcome the world. (:

there will be (hopefully be (: ) opposition, but be encouraged. and people always tell me that tim you're rather condescending the way you talk - you think you're so great, so whatever, perfect life, perfect grades, perfect everything, go away, you wouldn't understand, think you can help 'fix' me? go away - but you know, that's never true, and all at FireAC, every one of us, are ever so weak, there's no perfection in humanness, it's all God's work

behind every seemingly perfect person, there's a story of sin, and a story of grace (: grace my dear friends (:

so be encouraged. and do well for the exams to glorify Him! Term 3 beckons. Now Flame On! *punches fists in the air with glee* (this i learned from a certain someone (: )

In the Faith of Jesus Christ,
LimClanStrummer (: tim that is

Wednesday 20 June 2007

This touched me tremendously

I recommend you allow it to load completely before viewing to allow uninterrupted viewing. by halfway through the video i felt as though there was a connection to heaven.

I had the feeling some of them had forgotten where they were and were simply singing their hearts to the Almighty! God was definitely there, and it's wonderful just witnessing this

Father, hear this my cry!

this post actually came from my own blog, but well:

We bow our hearts, we bend our knees
O Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes from evil things
O Lord we cast down our idols!

I've blogged about this before, you've probably sang/heard this several times too, but it suddenly gripped me (again) how powerful, how absolutely powerful, this cry, this request is, and it left me just amazed, confounded, and awestruck; whatever had led Charlie Hall to write such words? It was then that the tremendous emotions and feelings that were behind the conception of these seemingly simple words came gushing out to me, and i couldnt help but just cry out, to cry out to my Father.

"Oh Lord my God, Almighty Ruler of heaven and earth! I bow my heart, I bow my knees! Father I declare, and I profess, to You, to the world, that this day, I turn my eyes from ALL evil things. Nothing even comes close to You Lord, and Your holiness; I see no point in chasing these evil things, these idols, and I cast them away right now!

Grant this the desire of my heart today Lord, the clean hands, the purest of hearts. One without deceit, contempt, nor hate. Without bitterness, jealousy, evil, or anything that falls short of Your glory Father. For it is my desire, our desire and innermost cry, O Lord, that OUR generation will be the generation that SEEKS YOUR FACE, oh God of Jacob! The generation that chases You with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our mights, and with all our strengths.

Help us Oh Lord, help us. And implant in us this burning, blazing desire to chase You, to know You more each day. and let that fire incinerate every speck of unholiness in the way.

No more empty words, no more empty worship, no more meaningless prayer!

Hear this Oh Lord my God, hear this my cry.


And reveal it to us, Oh Lord, what exactly You want us to do this upcoming term. Let it be a term of bountiful harvests, for Your glory and honour alone.

May we draw men to You and not to ourselves. Now and always"


Saturday 16 June 2007


For the Year 5s, even with the looming midyear exams coming in 1 week, as many of us attempt to study and remember what we need to remember, remember to always trust Him and continue to walk closer with Him.

Just a Psalm of encouragement for some who may be feeling tired and sian of studying

Psalm 121:1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

In the His Love

Thursday 7 June 2007

Hello (:

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Saviour, and Almighty God Jesus Christ!

I trust that the year5s have had a refreshing and meaningful time at their various WoW destinations, and are now sobering down to study for their mid year common tests, which are just looming around the corner (unfortunately). rah

As for the year 1-4s, how were your exams? i mean results? :x Good, or not so good, trust that God's in control, my friends. And exam results are only a teeny tiny hurdle in the race of life, so dont get yourself TOO down :/ but of course, if at any point you need prayer before showing your folks your report card or anything, do drop me a call, i'll be more than happy to :)

Kenneth knows how it feels like to face angry/disappointed parents. trust him on that :/

Haha. But whatever the situation you're in right now, do remember to take this time in the holidays to draw near to God. God is not one who's confined to time or location, and just because FireAC meetings are temporarily suspended in the holidays doesnt mean we have to suspend our relationships with God. (can i hear a NO WAY? (:) <-- wow a double smiley face haha

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, is the promise in James 4:8. Claim that promise, and chase after Him ever so strongly during this time.

That's all for now, do drop me a call/sms at any time if anyone needs anything, my phone's repaire so it's back to its 24/7 mode :)
