Thursday 1 March 2007



One night a man dreamed he was
walking along the beach with the Lord.

As scenes of his life flashed before him,
he noticed that there were two sets of
footprints in the sand.

He also noticed at his saddest, lowest
times there was one set of footprints.

This bothered the man and he asked
the Lord, "Did you not promise that if
i give my heart to you that you'd
be with me all the way?

Then, why is there only one set of footprints
during my most troublesome times?"

The Lord replied, "My precious child,
I love you and would never forsake you.

During those times of trial and suffering
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then I carried you."

What a marvelous story, don't you think so? Just as we go about in our daily lives, remember that God is always so real in our lives. He is walking with us. He carries us when we are down. God is so real in our lives. A day not lived for God, is a day lived in vain. So take that step of faith, trust the Lord, and do what He wants us to do. We have nothing to lose by following in the footsteps of Jesus. The Lord has "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future". So trust the Lord, cause we are unable to see how what we are going through now will actually affect the future. Remeber that it's all in the Lord's HUGE HUGE plans. Something which would never understand.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

God loves us so much that He gave His son to die on the cross for us. He gave up His one and only Son for us! Sinners like US! We are just mere sinners who do not deserves any love, yet He gave His Son for us. We are so undeserving of His love yet He chose to love us. Despite our sins, despite our actions, He loves us still. So right now why are we sitting here reading blogs or msning or gaming? Instead of doing such things, let us invest our times in spreading Christ's love and let us just continue to shine for God.
I'd like to end of with the chorus of a familiar song.

As bread that is broken,
use our lives.
As wine that is poured out,
a living sacrifise.
Empower us Father,
to share the love of Christ.
As bread that is broken,
Lord, won't you use our lives.

In the Lord's service,

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