Thursday 13 August 2009

What does it mean to be a child of God? =)

If someone asked you now, 'Who are you?', what would you say?
Perhaps we might say our name, maybe even add our surname, or go "I'm so-and-so's son/daughter/brother/sister/cousin/friendetc."

And if that person asked again, 'But really, who are you?'
Other than thinking this person was rather nosy (haha), possibly this time we might elaborate to say "I'm a student of XYZ school/ member of XYZ church etcetc."

But have we ever considered ourselves, a child of God?
Do we know what it means to be a child of God?

Oftentimes what stops us from sharing the gospel, ministering, reaching out to others in our classes, homes, ccas... From doing something "so-called" radical for God, is the simple excuse; "I'm just a normal girl/guy trying to live a normal life."

"I'm not good enough"
"I don't know how to start"
"I just want to be a normal person like everyone else"

But where do all these perceptions come from?
From the narrow-minded, closed view of ourselves as being just 'the son/daughter of so-and-so' or 'a student of XYZ school'.

Let's start realizing what it means to be a child of God today. You're not just a student, not just any other normal teenager.

Rather, you're His precious child, His little warrior in this spiritual battle on earth (guerilla warfare if you might call it ;] ) against the evil one, working to win souls for Christ's kingdom. And where-ever you are, at home, in school, outside, that's just one of the battlegrounds our Heavenly Father has placed you in with a very special purpose and plan for your life.

So, start listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit today, that special 'inbuilt transceiver for battle commands' ;) It could be praying for a troubled friend today, or inviting someone to church, sharing the gospel with a non-believer, and even organizing a class prayer group! =)

Claim the victory in Christ today!
Keeping you all in prayer,

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