Wednesday 24 January 2007

Finding Direction

I've been procrastinating around this post for a couple of days, but that's because I'm loaded with work, so you guys aren't alone. If anyone has noticed, the leaders are all starting to look stressed as well, and depression might be setting in for some, given the burden of maintaining FireAC, keeping one's spiritual life active, and juggling the daily problems of homework and other draining tasks. I guess some of you would have realised that the normally very cheery and upbeat Kenneth, Tim, Alex amongst others have been looking extremely fatigued lately.

This morning it was all the more evident, and as I looked on from the side what I saw was a Ministry of Fire which had lost all semblance of direction. A sadness just overwhelmed me then, because I kept looking at the uphill task we were facing. But the Lord comforts. Those tears might just have been in awe of God's mercy and grace. Sometimes we need to prod ourselves awake and ask if we're doing this for God, or for the Ministry. Are we trying too hard to lead, and forgetting that God should be in control? I pose this question to the committee as well, because they've been really tiring themselves out trying to prepare stuff day after day and go through meetings about what should be done and what can be improved.

Our personal walk with God should not be neglected now that we have FireAC. Rather, our passion for God should be intensified. We can't just create the sparks and let the flame flicker out after just 2 weeks. We'll need to keep the flame burning. And when we're together, there'll be a raging inferno, of hearts worshipping the Lord. Which brings me to the point about our relationships with our friends and classmates, our brothers and sisters.

Some people are feeling down now. What should we be doing? Two days ago Tessa shared about how she was seriously contemplating suicide. And about how a simple note helped to change her life around. Small gestures, little words of encouragement can all go a long way to pulling someone out of his/her depression. We therefore need to be accountable to each other, to care for each other, to love each other. I'm sure many of you have heard the following story, which illustrates how we should really be treating each other. It might be a bit different since I'm trying to recall it from memory, having failed to Google it.

A poor woman was expecting Jesus for dinner. She did her best to look presentable and got the best food her money could buy, which was basically bread and butter. Upon hearing a knock on her door she opened it and found an old man begging for shelter from the cold weather outside. She wasn't sure about what Jesus would say about her guest, but let him in anyway. The hungry man requested for some food. The woman thought, that if he gave her bread away, Jesus would have nothing to eat. Nevertheless her conscience pricked her and she gave the bread to the old man. The old man was thirsty, and asked for drink. The woman gave the rather expensive wine she'd been hoarding all this while, wondering what she'd have left to offer to Jesus. Finally the man asked for clothes before he stood up to leave, for protection from the chilly winds outside. She would look unpresentable now, she thought, but gave the shawl off her back to the man anyway.

Jesus never came, but later that night God spoke to her. "Thank you feeding Me, for sheltering Me, and for clothing Me." The woman was obviously puzzled. "But Lord, You didn't even show up. How could you say I fed You, sheltered You and clothed You?" The reply: "When you fed that old man, sheltered him and clothed him, you did that to Me."

Jesus said, “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was
thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited
Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in
prison, and you came to Me...”
Matthew 25:35-36

The second issue would be: Are we willing to be persecuted to follow Christ? It states clearly in the Bible that if we choose to follow Jesus, we will be persecuted for our belief. People will mock us, they will give us a hard time. Will we still stand strong or will we give up? To what extent will we go to follow Him? How much opportunity cost are we willing to incur? (Sorry, just had to do that one.) We have to realise that following God requires a sacrifice on our parts. For me FireAC costs me 1 hour of homework time in the morning. Everyone will have their own sacrifices, but thinking about our ultimate goal; our final reward in heaven, it might just seem worth it. Think about it.

During my QT today I stumbled upon a verse which pretty much summarises everything I've said here.

Hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like
Ephesians 4:15

When we're lost and need direction, God will guide us if we go to Him. Hold firmly to the truth, leaning on God's word will never leave you seeking for more, and will never let you astray. The aim of course, is to be more Christlike so as to shine His light and to be a good example to others, Christian or not. And finally, love. Loving our brothers and sisters, showing genuine care and concern for their welfare.

In His Service,
- Fabriz

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