Monday 22 January 2007

What are you doing now?

Hallo Hallo first time i'm ever posting something, well it's not going to be long so yea... Okay here are my questions to all of you now... Now that you're in this ministry of revival, what are YOU doing to revive this spiritually dead school? Have you been doing anything? Have you attempted to evangelise to some of your closest non-Christian friends? Do you have this passion for lost souls? If you aren't going to start now, then when are you going to start? Tomorrow? Day after tommorrow? Continual procastination will bring you no where. I've been in that stage where i just continually procastinate on work or even on God. I admit i have pushed Him to the very last part of my day when i'm so worn out and i can't even do a decent quiet time properly.

To answer all the questions i asked in the previous paragraph, you have to answer these few questions first.
1. Why are you a Christian?
2. God has blessed you so much, what are you giving in return to Him?
3. If God can love sinner such as us, why can't we go out and love and forgive others?
Question 3. refer to Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Like what chapel said today, do not count the number of times you forgive someone. Just forgive without any conditions.
It's true that even i had people whom i once disliked or to the point hated, but God has opened the eyes of my heart to see the positive side of people and not the negative side of people. Let's all start by forgiving the ones we dislike.

Let me end off with this final question. What is your purpose in life?

In the Lord's service,
Ah Lua

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