Tuesday 30 January 2007

God is Good, all the time

Over the span of the last one week, I have lost:

1) GDC
2) spectacles
3) my bag (which contained both my GDC and my spectacles)


Can you see the pattern! Because if you can, kindly alert me what number 4 is most probably going to be so I can take extreme special care of it. Haha

But you know what. Despite my super absent mindedness, God has seen me through, each and every single time. (: And I'm really, really thankful to everything He has done - and found for me.

Each time I lost a particular thing, my mental stability went crashing into oblivion and as Tim would know, I would become extremely stressed and my panic would shoot off like a rocket. I suppose this truly is one of my worst weaknesses and you know, after I found my bag and fixed my mental state back to normal, I began to think. And this particular line came to my mind.

"Jesus be strong in my weaknesses,
Empower me."

You know, how often it is we think we are able to deal with everything by our own capabilities.. only to find ourselves being torn and shattered. We all have our weaknesses, and we have to face them no matter how hard we try to overlook them. Ultimately, we are truly nothing without Him. He is the only One that can calm the greatest storm. I know its very easy to say all that but when you are faced with challenges.. its so much harder. Like today, I was positively hysterical and I know for some of you GDC + specs + textbook + math homework + alot more, doesn't mean much, but just imagine losing something you hold really really of value. And losing it. Losing everything that you have, to find yourself with completely nothing. Haha, if that happened to me earlier I think I might have had a minor heart attack but you know.. if you think about it. That will never really happen. Not really.

Because you will never ever have completely nothing. You will always have God. And He provides, He truly, truly provides. (:

This experience also reminded me of when the disciples were in the boat with Jesus, and when there was this huge storm. The disciples went, well, frantic - can you see the uncanny connection between frantic/hysterical, storm/losingbag? Haha.

"He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm." - Matthew 8:26

Our God, is one Awesome God indeed. And if you were wondering where I found my bag, I found it in the same place which I had previously checked twice only to find it completely empty. So whenever you feel that all hope is lost, fret not! For hope in Jesus Christ is always there, and nothing, nothing in this world can take that away.

Oh yes. Think about this:

Bile emulsifies fats which is technically, the act of breaking them into smaller pieces. With smaller pieces of fats, the total surface area to volume ratio is then increased.. so that the lipases can digest them at a faster rate, thus this can also be seen as for the greater good.

Look beyond the biologyness of it all.

We are broken, .. so that God can use us for His plan. Every trial that we face, is for a greater purpose even though it might not seem that way. So have faith, for He will deliver and in the process, strengthen us.

(I think I better start losing more stuff!Haha) Aah, so whenever in stress, think of yourself as a little fat globule and smile (:

Okay, I am just going to pretend that you are all going to shout it out with all your heart in front of your desktop, haha. So..

God is good! -- All the time!
And all the time -- GOD IS GOOD! (: (:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

In God's Love,

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